1332 Waivers Resource Library
The State Network serves as a resource for states interested in Section 1332 waivers, also known as State Innovation Waivers, which are shaping up to be an important opportunity for states reaching toward the goal of expanded coverage. We’ll continue to provide analysis and other materials, updating this post as more becomes available.
- Section 1332 in statute
- Final rule issued by HHS (and related analysis from Tim Jost)
- New CMS webpage focusing on 1332s
- Joint HHS and Treasury guidance on 1332 waivers
- Government Accountability Office letter on 1332 process
Webinar slides
- Webinar #1 – 1332 Waivers 101 (On waiver context, federal guidance, and statutory guardrails)
- Webinar #2 – What’s Next for States (On the timeline, public engagement process, and challenges for states)
- Webinar #3 – What Can Be Waived (On what states can waive within QHPs and EHBs; exchanges; cost-sharing; and tax credits and individual and employer mandates)
- Webinar #4 – Getting off the Ground (On the application process and the unique challenges faced by states relying on healthcare.gov)
- Webinar #5 – Coordinating 1332 and 1115 Waivers, Part 1 (On potential state initiatives requiring 1332 and 1115 waiver coordination, with a focus on smoothing the cost continuum)
- Webinar #6 – Coordinating 1332 and 1115 Waivers, Part 2 (Continuation of the discussion on coordinated waivers, including general guardrails and budget neutrality)
- Webinar #7 – Lessons Learned from the Basic Health Program (On funding issues, including the mechanics of repurposing existing federal subsidies under a different coverage affordability model)
- Webinar #8 – HHS and Treasury Guidance on 1332 Waivers (On recent joint agency guidance further defining statutory guardrails and the standards that will apply to them)
- Webinar #9 – States Seek to Preserve Small Group Market Practices Through 1332 (On waivers being pursued in Hawaii, Massachusetts, and Vermont)
- Webinar #10 – Looking Ahead to Broader 1332 Waivers (On waiver considerations in California and Minnesota)
- Innovation Waivers: An Opportunity for States to Pursue Their Own Brand of Health Reform (a paper by Manatt Health Solutions, jointly sponsored by State Network and the Commonwealth Fund)
- Section 1332 Waivers and the Future of State Health Reform (a Health Affairs Blog post by Heather Howard and Galen Benshoof)
- Section 1332 Waiver Activity Heating Up In States (a Health Affairs Blog post by Heather Howard and Galen Benshoof)
- State Innovation Waivers: Redrawing the Boundaries of the ACA (article by Heather Howard and Galen Benshoof in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law)
- New Federal Guidance on Section 1332 Waivers – What does it say and what might it mean (blog post by Dan Meuse)
- December 2015 1332 Waiver Guidance Summary (an issue brief by the team at Manatt Health Solutions)
- New Section 1332 Guidance a Mixed Bag for States (a Health Affairs Blog post by Heather Howard and Dan Meuse)
- New Report Looks at 1332 Process (a blog post by Dan Meuse on a GAO letter examining the 1332 waiver review and approval process)
- State Interest in 1332 Waivers Gaining Steam (a Health Affairs Blog post by Heather Howard and Dan Meuse)
- Analysis of state options under 1332 conducted by graduate students at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School
- A seminal paper from John McDonough, writing in the Journal of Health Politics and Policy
- Analysis from Jessica Schubel and Sarah Lueck at the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
- Transcript from a webinar hosted by Maximus (original post available here)
- A blog post on transparency and the role of stakeholders in the 1332 process by Joan Alker and Sabrina Corlette at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute
- A report prepared by Manatt for the BlueCross BlueShield Foundation of Massachusetts