
Feb 7, 2025 

Protecting Access to Preventive Services: A State Roadmap 

On January 10, 2025, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case, Becerra v. Braidwood Management, Inc., that could substantially weaken the Affordable Care Act’s guarantee of no-cost preventive services in private insurance. This expert perspective describes how states can take action to preserve no-cost preventive services coverage in their regulated markets through legislative or administrative means, including by shoring up their essential health benefits benchmarks, leveraging standardized plans, and using the bully pulpit to identify carriers and insurance products that retreat from today’s coverage.

Nov 5, 2024 

The Proposed 2026 Payment Notice: Implications for States

On October 4, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released its proposed Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2026. This annual rule governs core provisions of the Affordable Care Act. This expert perspective focuses on provisions of the proposed rule of interest to state officials.

Oct 30, 2024 

What Do the New Census Data Say About Insurance Coverage for Children and Adults? A Look at Both the National and State Level

The new 2023 estimates from the American Community Survey provide national and state-level insurance coverage estimates, but do not fully reflect the Medicaid unwinding. Despite this limitation, the data are instructive about changes to coverage during the early months of the unwinding period and generally for the year 2023. This expert perspective examines insurance coverage for children and adults, including uninsurance rates for children by state and income level.

Oct 25, 2024 

Resources to Help States Prepare for the Annual Open Enrollment Period

As the 2024 open enrollment period approaches, template social media resources are available to assist states in their outreach efforts. The resources are designed to help states effectively promote important information about Marketplace enrollment and health plan options to consumers, including those who may have lost Medicaid coverage earlier this year.