Treasury Updates Coronavirus Relief Fund FAQs
The Treasury issued updated Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) FAQs (questions A42, A49, & A53 were modified and questions A57 – 59, B13 were newly added). These new and modified FAQs clarify:
– CRF payments may be used to meet the non-federal matching requirements for Stafford Act assistance, which includes FEMA’s Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) and EMPG supplemental programs–provided such matching requirements entail COVID-19-related costs.
– Additional information related to using CRF payments for lost wages assistance
– Specific parameters and limitations on use of CRF payments toward expenses related to re-opening schools and distance learning- Permissible uses of CRF payments toward expense related to the acquisition of property & equipment; refunds to students of public universities for certain expenses; and grants provided to businesses that have previously received SBA or EIDL loans- The applicability of Single Audit requirements for CRF sub-recipients that received transfer payments from CRF recipients in the amount of $750,000 or more