Transforming Child Health Care Through Anti-Racist, Family-Driven Approaches
The child health care field is embracing a shift from the traditional child-focused model of well and sick visits to a more upstream preventive, holistic, and anti-racist focus on children, their families, and the systems and communities they interact with regularly. Despite a growing desire to improve care delivery, many practices face barriers, such as time and funding resources, which prevent the scale and spread of practice transformation. The Center for Health Care Strategies, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is hosting a webinar on August 25 that will explore the need to transform child health care from three unique perspectives — a pediatrician, a family advocate, and a children’s health clinic director. The featured speakers serve as advisors for CHCS’ Accelerating Child Health Transformation initiative, which seeks to accelerate the adoption of key strategies necessary to advance anti-racist and family-centered pediatric practice. They will highlight key strategies for child health care transformation: (1) adopting anti-racist practices and policies to advance health equity; (2) co-creating equitable partnerships with patients, families, and medical care teams; and (3) identifying family strengths and health-related social needs to promote resilience.