Webinars | Oct 7, 2015

1332 State Innovation Waivers: Coordinating 1332 and 1115 Waivers, Part 2

Manatt Health Solutions

The State Network 1332 Waivers Affinity Group continued in October with a new presentation from the team at Manatt Health Solutions.  This ongoing series has included presentations providing an overview of the basics around these waivers, including statutory guardrails, discussions on what can and cannot be waived, and potential opportunities available to states through the waiver process, while this presentation focused more deeply on potential coordination between 1332 and 1115 waivers, including general guardrails and budget neutrality.  This slide deck follows up on a previous presentation focusing on state initiatives requiring 1332 and 1115 waiver coordination, which included a look at attempts to smooth the cost continuum, and specific examples from several states.