Templates & Toolkits | Jul 12, 2012

2014 Medicaid Eligibility Transition Toolkit for States

National Academy for State Health Policy – Mary Henderson, Abigail Arons, and Alice Weiss

The 2014 Medicaid Eligibility Transition Toolkit is designed to assist states in systematically identifying issues and decisions they will face as they convert to 2014. The toolkit was originally provided to two states by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) as part of the State Health Reform Assistance Network that is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. NASHP has updated the toolkit to be applicable to any state and to reflect the final Medicaid eligibility rules.

The toolkit includes:

Issue Brief: A brief, “Analysis of Eligibility Changes and Implications for Selected Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility Groups in 2014,” provides a detailed overview of the final federal Medicaid eligibility rules, transition issues and decision points that states will spot as they fill out the Eligibility Matrix. The brief is also written to be useful with or without the other components of the toolkit.

Instructions: Step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the Eligibility Matrix.

Blank Matrix: “Crosswalk” matrix for states to fill out (click on the link below)

Example Matrix: A completed matrix for “Sample State A” for reference.

Fillable Excel Eligibility Matrix Blank Matrix: the Blank Matrix Template (Excel file) to create a crosswalk for an individual state