Potential Impact of Federal Changes on State Healthcare Programs
On Wednesday, February 26, State Health and Value Strategies will host a webinar discussing the Medicaid and Marketplace reforms under consideration by the new administration and the 119th Congress, including adjustments to program financing, eligibility, and other policy requirements, with potential broad implications for state Medicaid and Marketplace programs. During the webinar, experts from Manatt Health will provide an overview of potential federal policy changes to Medicaid and Marketplace coverage programs, vehicles for advancing and anticipated timing of such changes, and implications for states.
The Expiration of the PTC Enhancements: State-Specific Impacts
On Tuesday, October 29, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar discussing the expiration of the enhanced premium tax credits (PTCs) under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, extended by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and currently set to expire at the end of 2025. During the webinar, experts from the Urban Institute presented recent research to estimate the impact of the enhancements and examined key timing considerations for states related to the expiration or possible extension of the enhanced PTCs.
Protected: Convening: Affordable Health Coverage for Non-Citizen Populations
Resources related to our convening, Affordable Health Coverage for Non-Citizen Populations, held on June 27 and 28, 2024 in Denver, Colorado.
State Spotlight: New York’s Essential Plan Expansion: A Novel Use of Section 1332 Waiver Authority
On April 1, 2024, New York began covering residents in a new affordable coverage program made possible with a first-of-its-kind section 1332 waiver, reshaping the insurance market and allowing the state flexibility to design a program with people at the center.
Protected: Affordable Health Coverage for Non-Citizen Populations
Password protected resource page for members of the Affordable Health Coverage for Non-Citizen Populations affinity group.
State Facilitated Enrollment Resources
Many states have implemented policies that take advantage of existing consumer-state interactions to help individuals enroll in healthcare coverage more easily. To assist states in their efforts, SHVS and the Urban Institute have compiled materials that states have created for their facilitated enrollment programs.
Sample Social Media Messages for Open Enrollment
The open enrollment period (OEP) for health insurance Marketplaces will run from November 2023 to January 2024. This OEP will take place while most states are also conducting Medicaid renewals during the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement. State Health and Value Strategies has created sample messages and accompanying social media graphics to support states during the simultaneous Medicaid unwinding and open enrollment period.
Highlights of the State Health Equity Measure Set: Measures to Assess and Improve Equity
On Thursday, June 29, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar highlighting the recently published State Health Equity Measure Set, which introduces a curated set of existing health equity measures in areas where consumers experience disparate outcomes. States can use the Measure Set to assess how their performance on the measures varies by race and ethnicity and compare it to the performance of other states. The webinar was facilitated by experts from Bailit Health and included a question and answer session with state representatives from the advisory group that informed the development of the measure set.
State Health Equity Measure Set
The State Health Equity Measure Set provides a standard set of health equity measures that states can use to assess their performance against other states, and inform interventions that strive to improve equity in healthcare access and outcomes within their state. The State Health Equity Measure Set includes 10 population-level measures, which gauge health status, and 19 healthcare measures, which evaluate receipt of, and outcomes associated with, evidence-based health services. All measures have been tested and are in use by national measurement bodies. The Measure Set provides states with the resources to inform policies and program interventions that are focused on reducing disparities in healthcare access, care delivery, and health outcomes for people of color.
Development of Statewide Health Equity Data Standards in Massachusetts
On Thursday, March 23, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that reviewed the recent adoption of statewide health equity data standards for the collection of self-reported patient demographic information by provider organizations, Medicaid and commercial insurers in Massachusetts. During the webinar, experts from MassHealth (Massachusetts Medicaid) and Bailit Health reviewed the adopted standards as well as a complementary framework for introducing accountability for advancing health equity into value-based contracting. Panelists also described how Massachusetts engaged a wide array of stakeholders in the development process and the plan for dissemination and adoption.