Webinars | Apr 20, 2018

Analysis of the 2019 Affordable Care Act Payment Notice: Implications for States

Georgetown’s Center for Health Insurance Reforms and Manatt Health

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services released on April 9, 2018 its annual Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters, a collection of policies governing the ACA’s marketplaces, insurance reforms, and premium stabilization programs. The first such annual notice issued under the Trump Administration, it contains a number of provisions that require state officials to make important decisions on short notice that will affect plan benefits, premiums, and marketplace operations. State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar, together with experts Sabrina Corlette and Justin Giovannelli from Georgetown’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Joel Ario from Manatt Health and Jason Levitis, to help participants untangle the rule and its many implications for states.