Templates & Toolkits | Feb 28, 2014

Consumer Assistance Resource Guide: MAGI Household Income Eligibility Rules

Manatt Health Solutions

Early evidence from across the nation suggests that consumer assisters are playing a vital role in helping people enroll in the new coverage options made possible by the Affordable Care Act. The following resource guide on MAGI Household Income Eligibility Rules is part of a Consumer Assistance Resource Guide series  developed to help consumer assisters answer some of the most common eligibility and enrollment questions.

To be eligible for an Insurance Affordability Program (IAP) — Medicaid, CHIP or Advance Premium Tax Credits and Cost Sharing Reductions — an applicant’s income must be below a certain eligibility level. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) rules—primarily based on federal tax rules—are used to calculate income eligibility when an individual is applying for an IAP.  This guide, prepared by Manatt Health Solutions, explains the types of income included and excluded when determining eligibility.