State Health Updates
State updates as of February 7, 2025.
With the first open enrollment period having come to an end, states are immediately gearing back up to ensure that consumers again have strong plan options available on the Marketplace for 2015. Insurers will soon be filing forms and rates with state insurance departments, and regulators will be working through those filings to certify products to be offered on the Marketplace during the next open enrollment period. States also will be looking especially closely at issues like network adequacy, which have received much attention in the news in early 2014.
To that end, the State Network, through its team at the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, has updated its form review checklists and created a number of new tools to help insurance regulators streamline the form review process. In this webinar, Sally McCarty and David Cusano of Georgetown University Health Policy Institute introduced department of insurance staff to these tools, discussed how to use them, and described some of the policy and operational considerations that regulators will want to consider during the form review process. Specifically, the webinar walked through the following resources:
The webinar slides can be found at the “download” button and a webinar recording can be found here.