Webinars | Jan 26, 2023

Exploring the New Social Care Quality Measures: How Do We Define and Measure Social Needs and High-Quality Social Care?

On Thursday, January 26 State Health and Value Strategies co-hosted a webinar with the Social Interventions Research & Evaluation Network (SIREN) at the University of California San Francisco on the new social care quality measures that will launch from many federal and some state agencies. The measures target a range of payer and delivery system reporting entities. They include requirements around social risk screening and, in some cases, social care interventions. The marked variation across these initiatives highlights a key question: How do we define and measure high quality social care?   

During the webinar panelists reviewed and discussed national and state social care quality measures, including key measure design decisions, readiness factors, and reporting requirements. Panelists included leaders in Medicaid policy as well as quality measure development.