Webinars | Jun 29, 2023

Highlights of the State Health Equity Measure Set: Measures to Assess and Improve Equity

On Thursday, June 29, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar highlighting the recently published State Health Equity Measure Set, which introduces a curated set of existing health equity measures in areas where consumers experience disparate outcomes. States can use the Measure Set to assess how their performance on the measures varies by race and ethnicity and compare it to the performance of other states. The webinar also reviewed a companion issue brief, Measuring Health Equity: A State Measure Set to Assess and Improve Equity, which describes key steps and considerations for states when operationalizing the State Health Equity Measure Set. The webinar was facilitated by experts from Bailit Health and included a question and answer session with state representatives from the advisory group that informed the development of the measure set.