Webinars | Apr 21, 2020

Impact of COVID-19 on Medicaid Managed Care Performance Incentives

Bailit Health

On Tuesday, April 21, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a state-only webinar, Impact of COVID-19 on Medicaid Managed Care Performance Incentives.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve and significantly alter care delivery, states, managed care organizations (MCOs), and providers, inclusive of accountable care organizations (ACOs), are considering the impact on health care quality and spending. States are examining their value-based payment programs and evaluating modifications to their performance year 2019 quality measurement and performance year 2020 quality and cost performance policies, particularly those arrangements that hold entities financially accountable for performance.

State Health & Value Strategies hosted a state-only webinar during which experts from Bailit Health identified quality and cost performance issues related to Medicaid managed care performance incentives and discuss policy options for state consideration. The webinar included a question and answer session during which state webinar participants can comment on options and pose questions.