Meetings & Presentations | Mar 12, 2012

Modeling the Impacts of the ACA on Health Insurance Coverage: A New Tool for States

State Health Access Data Assistance Center – Julie Sonier and Peter Graven

This slide deck prepared by State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) for the Minnesota Health Services Research Conference, provides an overview of the SHADAC Projection Model and highlights its goals and basic structure. States have a number of tools available to help them understand the likely effects of federal health care reform provisions on insurance coverage and cost, but many of those tools are proprietary microsimulation models that may be out of reach for states (see SHADAC’s microsimulation model issue brief). The SHADAC Projection Model differs from those microsimulations because it allows users to input/change assumptions and to easily update the model to adjust for new assumptions. The model’s assumptions are clearly defined, giving states the benefit of projection transparency, therefore making it extremely useful for state officials as circumstances change and projections must be justified to stakeholders.

The SHADAC Projection Model is currently being pilot tested with two states in the State Network. Additional information about the model and how other states can utilize it will be published on this website in the summer of 2012.