Webinars | Sep 13, 2012

NGA Medicaid Expansion Analysis Tool Webinar

State Health Reform Assistance Network- Heather Howard; State Health Access Data Assistance Center- Elizabeth Lukanen; Center for Health Care Strategies- Shannon McMahon; Manatt Health Solutions- Deborah Bachrach

On September 27th, 2012, the National Governors Association (NGA) partnered with the State Network to host a webinar for state officials highlighting the Medicaid Expansion Analysis Tool in order to aid officials in their own state analyses. During the webinar, State Network experts from State Health Access Data Assistance Center, Center for Health Care Strategies, and Manatt Health Solutions walked through the cost and savings elements for Medicaid expansion financial analyses and state-specific assumption considerations. Additional financial impacts outside the table shell (e.g. disproportionate share hospital payments), as well as a list of state and national resources (with embedded hyperlinks), were included to help further guide states in conducting Medicaid expansion analyses.