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Federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is set to expire on September 30th, raising multiple issues for states. State Health and Value Strategies, in partnership with technical experts from Manatt Health, hosted a webinar to discuss key considerations for states as Congress debates CHIP reauthorization. Topics included the funding level and duration of the extension, maintenance of the 23 point FMAP bump, maintenance of effort requirements, and operational implications of reauthorization timing.

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Date Created: Sep 8, 2017


Following our June 5th webinar, “Per Capita Caps Under Medicaid: Emerging Issues for States,” State Network, in partnership with technical experts from Manatt Health, is hosting a series of conversations that will provide opportunities for state leadership to dive deeper into emerging issues. Given the recent release of the Senate repeal and replace proposal, we will review and discuss the Senate’s BCRA. State Network, in partnership with technical experts from Manatt Health, will host a webinar during which we will review the major Medicaid provisions of the BCRA, providing an opportunity for state leadership to understand how the Senate bill compares to the AHCA and its potential implications for states. This session will start with a short presentation, followed by time for Q&A and a discussion, focusing on the Medicaid provisions of the BCRA.

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Date Created: Jun 28, 2017


State policy makers are increasingly focused on social determinants of health (SDOH) because of the important influence of these determinants on health care outcomes and Medicaid spending. This webinar includes an overview of the methods for gathering SDOH data, and the range of possible uses of the data by state policy makers. It also explores how states could factor SDOH into improved payment models and quality measurement activities. Lastly it describes a new payment model that Massachusetts Medicaid is using to adjust managed care payments for certain social risk factors among enrolled populations.

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Date Created: Jun 21, 2017


Following the House’s passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and the Senate’s on-going repeal and replace negotiations, it is clear that significant changes to federal Medicaid financing remain in play. Building on past State Network webinars that have reviewed the AHCA Medicaid financing provisions and identified their implications for states, the State Network, in partnership with technical experts from Manatt Health, held a webinar that provided a deep-dive on critical issues that will influence the impact of capped funding on states, including choice of base year, trend rates, and treatment of supplemental payments. The discussion was informed by updated modeling based on the House-passed version of the AHCA.

Date Created: Jun 5, 2017


State Health and Value Strategies, a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is pleased to publish the second in our series of webinars for state officials on achieving population health goals.

Date Created: May 16, 2017


Health Savings Accounts have been a frequent topic of conversation for policy options in the ACA markets. HSAs have gained attention in recent years as they are featured in both “Repeal & Replace” and Medicaid proposals. This webinar reviewed the basics of HSAs, how they have been considered under various repeal and replace proposals, and how alternative Medicaid expansions have used HSA-like programs for enrollees.

Date Created: Apr 24, 2017


Continued uncertainty surrounding federal legislative action affecting the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have led many states to reconsider the option of Section 1332 State Innovation Waivers. These waivers allow states broad flexibility to redesign the coverage provisions of the ACA according to certain statutory guidelines. Given the renewed interest in 1332 waivers, the State Network hosted a webinar for state officials featuring the experts at Manatt Health.

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Date Created: Apr 13, 2017


On Wednesday April 5, 2017 the State Health and Value Strategies program hosted the first in a series of three webinars aimed at helping state officials achieve population health goals. This webinar outlined opportunities for state agencies to work collaboratively to improve outcomes and reduce inefficiencies across programs serving overlapping populations.

Date Created: Apr 6, 2017


Changes to the individual health insurance market are at the heart of the American Health Care Act. This webinar featured experts from Manatt Health who discussed changes in the individual market, including tax credits and the marketplace, that states will need to consider moving forward. The attached slide deck includes details on what is in the legislation, what are the key policy areas for states and an impact analysis for state policy makers.

Date Created: Mar 23, 2017


The American Health Care Act has a number of policy changes that impact state Medicaid programs. This webinar featured experts at Manatt Health as they review implications on Medicaid Financing, Eligibility and other programmatic changes for states. The attached slides provide significant insight into eligibility changes, the policy principles of the per capita cap and block grant models, and an in-depth explainer of the creation of per-capita caps for states.

Date Created: Mar 22, 2017