Payment Reform 101: Why Payment Reform? What is it?
The first webinar in a three-part series on payment reform, this presentation by Bailit Health Purchasing addresses how traditional fee-for-service payment impedes state efforts to purchase value and describes the relationship between payment and delivery system reform.
Rate Development, Filing and Review – A Compilation of Guidance and Expectations for 2015 Rates Webinar
Departments of insurance and insurers are currently preparing for the next round of rate development, filing and review. Rates for 2014 were developed based on considerable speculation on the expected impact of the ACA market reforms on the number and health risk of individuals who would enroll. Early enrollment information will be available for the 2015 rate development and review process, however, robust health risk information may still be unavailable.
Department of Insurance Tools for Plan Year 2015 Form Filings and Review Webinar
With the first open enrollment period having come to an end, states are immediately gearing back up to ensure that consumers again have strong plan options available on the Marketplace for 2015. Insurers will soon be filing forms and rates with state insurance departments, and regulators will be working through those filings to certify products to be offered on the Marketplace during the next open enrollment period.
Realizing Rural Care Coordination: Considerations and Action Steps for State Policy-Makers
This issue brief draws from the experiences of six states, Alabama, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Vermont, to identify common policy considerations and action steps for coordinating care in rural environments.
All-Payer Claims Databases: Current Status and Realizing the Potential
All-payer claims databases (APCDs) offer state policymakers and stakeholders access to the information they need to evaluate the cost and quality of health care. More than 30 states currently have, are implementing, or hold interest in forming an APCD. On this webinar, expert speakers outline the key elements of an APCD, offer advice on their formation, and discuss developing reports and analyses based on the resulting data.
Integrating Physical and Behavioral Health: Strategies for Overcoming Legal Barriers to Health Information Exchange
This brief explores the strategies states use to address barriers that impede data-sharing efforts among providers to integrate physical and behavioral health care. The webinar presentation on this issue brief is also available for download.
Reducing Overuse and Misuse: State Strategies to Improve Quality and Cost of Health Care
This issue brief focuses specifically on the key purchasing strategies that state Medicaid agencies and state employee health benefit purchasers can implement in order to reduce the overuse and misuse of health care services, and improve the quality and reduce the cost of care. A webinar presentation on the subject is also available for download.
Qualified Health Plan Selection: Considerations for Consumers Webinar
As part of their series on “Helping Consumers Understand the Marketplaces,” Manatt Health Solutions, with support from the State Health Reform Assistance Network, led a webinar reviewing factors states will want to call out for consumers seeking guidance on how to choose among plans, especially young adults who may be choosing between catastrophic coverage and other options.
Reconciliation of Advanced Premium Tax Credits: A Primer for Assisters Webinar
As part of a series on “Helping Consumers Understand the Marketplaces,” Manatt Health Solutions led a webinar reviewing a primer on the reconciliation of advance premium tax credits (APTC), explaining how reconciliation will work when consumers file their taxes, and strategies consumers can use to minimize the risk of repayment.
Individual Eligibility Appeals Webinar
The State Coverage Initiatives program, in coordination with the State Network, hosted a webinar on September 23, 2013 that discussed individual eligibility appeals. Melinda Dutton and Kinda Serafi from Manatt Health Solutions facilitated this webinar with state respondents from Illinois and Rhode Island.