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Issue Briefs

This issue brief, prepared by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP), outlines major state decisions regarding coverage expansion consumer assistance strategies and lists valuable tools that state officials can use when determining how to meet the needs of new and existing consumers.

Date Created: Mar 12, 2013

Issue Briefs

This brief, prepared by Wakely Consulting Group, reviews the components of a Call Center as a main face of the Exchange and part of a broader strategy for optimizing people, processes, and technology to support Exchange goals and objectives. It offers tips for Call Center strategy development and management best practices.

Date Created: Mar 12, 2013

Issue Briefs

This brief prepared by Manatt Health Solutions examines some of the legal, policy and operational issues states should contemplate while considering the possibility of using “premium assistance” to purchase coverage for Medicaid-eligible adults in the Exchange.

Date Created: Mar 12, 2013

Issue Briefs

Wakely Consulting Group has prepared this policy brief to aid state Exchanges in their contracting strategies with qualified health plans (QHPs). Section I of this brief describes many of the types of decisions that Exchanges should consider in preparing to launch a clean, effective QHP solicitation process.

Date Created: Feb 12, 2013

Issue Briefs

This issue brief, prepared by Manatt Health Solutions, summarizes federal policy guidance and outlines requirements, options and key considerations for State-based Exchanges (SBEs) on Exchange premium collection functionality.

Date Created: Jan 13, 2013

Issue Briefs

This brief and companion chart, prepared by Center for Health Care Strategies, reviews cost allocation methodologies states use to determine how exchange development expenses are charged to different agencies.

Date Created: Jan 12, 2013

Issue Briefs

The following document, prepared by the National Academy for State Health Policy, discusses the possible role of Express Lane Eligibility (ELE) in simplifying and streamlining enrollment into Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Date Created: Dec 17, 2012

Issue Briefs

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created the Small Business Health Options Program (“SHOP”) to create new marketplaces for small employers (and employees) to shop for and purchase employer subsidized health insurance coverage. In addition to small business tax credits, the primary value proposition for the SHOP is to facilitate employee choice.

Date Created: Dec 13, 2012

Issue Briefs

Forum One Communications and GMMB have aided three State Network states in developing consumer-friendly websites aimed at tackling the difficult challenge of explaining the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions to consumers.

Date Created: Nov 13, 2012

Issue Briefs

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) establishes health benefits exchanges and requires them to create a navigator program to assist consumers and small businesses as they apply for and enroll in coverage.

Date Created: Aug 12, 2012