Paid Media Insights for State-Based Marketplace Outreach
On Tuesday, September 5, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar to discuss today’s paid media landscape and changing consumer consumption patterns as State-Based Marketplaces (SBMs) prepare for open enrollment. During the webinar, experts from GMMB facilitated a discussion for SBMs to adapt outreach strategies to the evolving landscape. The discussion included the latest trends in the space and recommendations for SBMs on how to develop an effective modernized media campaign and reach audiences with multicultural targeting, social advertising and other tactics.
Leveraging Buying Value to Advance Health Equity Measurement
On Tuesday, August 1, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar showcasing how the Buying Value suite of resources can help states, employers, consumer organizations and providers implement quality measures to incentivize high-quality, high-value, equitable healthcare. The webinar highlighted two free, Excel-based tools, the Buying Value Measure Selection Tool and the Buying Value Benchmark Repository.
Medicaid Managed Care Approaches to Confront Mental Health Inequities
On Thursday, July 27, State Health and Value Strategies (SHVS), hosted a webinar highlighting the recently published issue brief, Medicaid Managed Care Strategies to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in Mental Healthcare for Adults, which describes approaches that states can take to reduce racial and ethnic inequities in mental healthcare and improve mental health outcomes. The webinar was facilitated by experts from Bailit Health and will include a discussion with experts from Health Equity Solutions and a state official on their activities to promote equity in mental healthcare.
Highlights of the State Health Equity Measure Set: Measures to Assess and Improve Equity
On Thursday, June 29, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar highlighting the recently published State Health Equity Measure Set, which introduces a curated set of existing health equity measures in areas where consumers experience disparate outcomes. States can use the Measure Set to assess how their performance on the measures varies by race and ethnicity and compare it to the performance of other states. The webinar was facilitated by experts from Bailit Health and included a question and answer session with state representatives from the advisory group that informed the development of the measure set.
CMS Proposed Rules Part 3: HCBS Program Changes
On Monday, June 12, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that focused specifically on key reforms that CMS has proposed for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) included in the “Access Proposed Rule.” During the third webinar in this three part series, experts from Manatt Health provided an overview of the provisions to enhance access to HCBS, standardize quality measures and reporting requirements, and address longstanding shortages in the direct care workforce. Presenters also highlighted areas where CMS is requesting comment (due July 3, 2023) and reviewed considerations for state officials.
CMS Proposed Rules Part 2: Coverage, Financing, Payment and Quality
On Friday, May 26, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that provided an overview of CMS’ recently released proposed rules: (1) “Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality” (or the “Managed Care Proposed Rule”), which focuses on managed care delivery systems; and (2) “Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services” (or the “Access Proposed Rule”), which focuses on fee-for-service delivery systems and program improvements for home and community-based services across delivery systems. During the second webinar in this three-part series, experts from Manatt Health focused exclusively on key provisions in the “Managed Care” proposed rule related to coverage, financing, payment, and quality. Presenters highlighted areas where CMS is requesting comment (due July 3, 2023) and reviewed considerations for state officials.
CMS Proposed Rules Part 1: Access to Care and Transparency
On Tuesday, May 23, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar providing an overview of CMS’ recently released proposed rules: (1) “Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality” (or the “Managed Care Proposed Rule”), which focuses on managed care delivery systems; and (2) “Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services” (or the “Access Proposed Rule”), which focuses on fee-for-service delivery systems and program improvements for home and community-based services across delivery systems. During the first webinar in this three-part series, experts from Manatt Health provided an overview of the access to care and access monitoring proposals included in both rules. Presenters highlighted areas where CMS is requesting comment (due July 3, 2023) and reviewed considerations for state officials.
Section 1115 Demonstration Opportunity to Support Reentry for Justice-Involved Populations: CMS Guidance
On Tuesday, May 2, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that provided an overview of CMS’ guidance that outlines the opportunity for states to waive the inmate exclusion and receive federal financial participation for expenditures for certain pre-release healthcare services provided to individuals who are incarcerated and otherwise eligible for Medicaid. The webinar built on the recently published expert perspective, CMS Issues Guidance on Section 1115 Demonstration Opportunity to Support Reentry for Justice-Involved Populations.
Development of Statewide Health Equity Data Standards in Massachusetts
On Thursday, March 23, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that reviewed the recent adoption of statewide health equity data standards for the collection of self-reported patient demographic information by provider organizations, Medicaid and commercial insurers in Massachusetts. During the webinar, experts from MassHealth (Massachusetts Medicaid) and Bailit Health reviewed the adopted standards as well as a complementary framework for introducing accountability for advancing health equity into value-based contracting. Panelists also described how Massachusetts engaged a wide array of stakeholders in the development process and the plan for dissemination and adoption.
Transformational Community Engagement: Working With Community to Advance Health Equity
On Tuesday, February 28, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that explored how states can implement community engagement strategies that amplify community voices, engage program enrollees, and translate engagement into more effective and equitable health initiatives. Community engagement is a critical component in advancing health equity as it enables trust and respect, improves barriers to health, and allows for efficacy by ensuring programs utilize experiences from the communities they impact. State reactors also highlighted recent Medicaid community engagement efforts.