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On Tuesday, February 28, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that explored how states can implement community engagement strategies that amplify community voices, engage program enrollees, and translate engagement into more effective and equitable health initiatives. Community engagement is a critical component in advancing health equity as it enables trust and respect, improves barriers to health, and allows for efficacy by ensuring programs utilize experiences from the communities they impact. State reactors also highlighted recent Medicaid community engagement efforts.

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Date Created: Feb 28, 2023

Issue Briefs

Many consumers will find the relationship between Medicaid, the marketplace, and employer-sponsored insurance to be more complicated than ever in 2023 as the unwinding of the continuous coverage requirement begins. Much of the focus of Medicaid unwinding planning in states and the federal government has been on helping eligible people keep Medicaid coverage and steering the millions of people losing Medicaid eligibility toward the health insurance marketplace. Less attention has been devoted to the millions of people who are expected to be eligible for employer-sponsored insurance when their Medicaid coverage ends. This issue brief discusses how state Medicaid agencies, state-based marketplaces, labor departments, and employers can play critical roles in helping people understand and navigate their coverage options.

Date Created: Jan 19, 2023

Issue Briefs

While much attention has been paid to how states can approach the unwinding of the continuous coverage requirement to prioritize the retention of Medicaid coverage and transitions to marketplace coverage, less attention has been paid to the role of employer-sponsored insurance. To get a sense for the size of the group that might have employer-sponsored coverage as an option, this issue brief discusses the proportion of individuals with an offer of employer-sponsored coverage by income and state, and the proportion of those offers that are considered affordable based on premium cost.

Date Created: Jan 19, 2023

Templates & Toolkits

States are working in various ways to engage and enroll individuals in health coverage regardless of their immigration status. In some cases, states continue to conduct outreach to eligible but remaining uninsured individuals, such as citizen children in families with mixed immigration status. In other cases, states are in the process of expanding coverage options to make new options available for non-citizens. The resources in this toolkit were informed by research and developed for states to customize based on their unique needs, program eligibility criteria, and environments to support outreach and education efforts to drive enrollment in new or existing health coverage programs.

Date Created: Oct 31, 2022

Templates & Toolkits

The open enrollment period for the plan year beginning 2023 will begin on November 1, 2022, and marketplaces will be encouraging consumers to sign up for health coverage. This open enrollment period will see a continuation of enhanced subsidies and for some states, implementation of a fix to the so-called “Family Glitch.” This document includes research-based messaging to support outreach and enrollment, addressing common barriers consumers have to getting and keeping health coverage.

Date Created: Oct 5, 2022

Meetings & Presentations

Password protected resource page for members of the Facilitated and Automatic Enrollment Strategies affinity group.

Date Created: Sep 29, 2022

Regulatory Analysis , State Materials

SHVS is tracking the latest federal guidance related to implementation and oversight of the No Surprises Act (NSA), the comprehensive federal law banning balance bills in emergency and certain non-emergency settings beginning January 1, 2022. This resource page highlights the latest SHVS resources for states on  federal NSA guidance and summarizes its implications for state regulators.

Date Created: Aug 26, 2022

Meetings & Presentations

Password protected resource page for members of the Affordable Health Coverage for Immigrant Populations affinity group.

Date Created: Jun 30, 2022

Meetings & Presentations

Slide decks that were shared at the Small Group Convening on Marketplace and Department of Insurance Innovations that was held on May 24, 2022 in Philadelphia, PA.

Date Created: May 27, 2022

State Materials , Templates & Toolkits

State Health and Value Strategies has created a flyer for states to customize and place in consulate offices, to serve as a resource to enroll eligible immigrants in health coverage in their state. The flyer is designed so that states can add their own contact information and logos for their outreach purposes and has been translated into Spanish.


Date Created: May 23, 2022