CMS Final Rules Part 3: Home and Community-Based Services
On Thursday, June 6, State Health and Value Strategies hosted the final webinar in a three-part webinar series on CMS’ highly anticipated final rules: (1) Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality (the “Managed Care Rule”), which focuses on managed care delivery systems; and (2) Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services (the “Access Rule”), which focuses on fee-for-service delivery systems and program improvements for home and community-based services (HCBS) across delivery systems. Building on Parts 1 and 2 of the webinar series, Part 3 provided a detailed overview of provisions in the Access Rule that aim to enhance access to HCBS, standardize quality measures and reporting requirements, and help address long-standing shortages in the direct care workforce.
Click here for webinar recording
CMS Final Rules Part 2: Managed Care Payments, Quality, and Oversight
On Monday, May 20, State Health and Value Strategies hosted the second in a three-part webinar series on CMS’ highly anticipated final rules: (1) Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality (the “Managed Care Rule”), which focuses on managed care delivery systems; and (2) Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services (the “Access Rule”), which focuses on fee-for-service delivery systems and program improvements for home and community-based services (HCBS) across delivery systems. Part 2 focused exclusively on key provisions in the Managed Care Rule related to provider payment, financing, quality, and in lieu of services.
CMS Final Rules Part 1: Access, Enrollee Engagement, and Provider Payment Transparency
On Thursday, May 9, State Health and Value Strategies hosted the first in a three-part webinar series on CMS’ highly anticipated final rules: (1) Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality (the “Managed Care Rule”), which focuses on managed care delivery systems; and (2) Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services (the “Access Rule”), which focuses on fee-for-service delivery systems and program improvements for home and community-based services (HCBS) across delivery systems. During Part 1 of the webinar series, experts from Manatt Health provided an overview of the provisions in both rules regarding access monitoring, enrollee engagement, provider payment transparency, and HCBS.
Compendium of Medicaid Managed Care Contracting Strategies to Promote Health Equity
The Compendium identifies approaches states are taking within their Medicaid managed care programs to promote health equity. This updated and revised edition highlights examples from states to illustrate how they are implementing specific approaches. The Compendium synthesizes information across select states and categorizes their approaches to support cross-state learning. State policymakers and Medicaid officials can use the excerpts from state contract and procurement documents included in the Compendium to develop managed care procurements or update and operationalize key managed care contract provisions.
CMS Final Rule on Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Renewal
On Thursday, April 11, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar on CMS’ recently released final rule, “Medicaid Program; Streamlining the Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Basic Health Program Application, Eligibility Determination, Enrollment and Renewal Processes.” Experts from Manatt Health reviewed key Medicaid and CHIP provisions in the final rule and discussed considerations for state policymakers as they prepare to build upon their current platforms and planning processes to comply with the federal requirements.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data: New and Updated Information on Federal Guidance and Medicaid Data Collection Practices
Medicaid is an important source of coverage for LGBTQI+ populations, but few states collect data that can be used to understand and improve health for these individuals. This brief summarizes recent federal guidance on adding sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions to state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program applications, documents how this information is currently collected in Medicaid, and spotlights Oregon’s ongoing efforts to improve the collection of SOGI data.
Mapping Health Equity: New Tools for States
On Thursday, February 22, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar to introduce two new interactive tools: the Health Equity Impact Tool (the Impact Tool) and the Health Equity Policy Tool (the Policy Tool). The Impact Tool is a multi-part online evaluation for state agencies to examine their equity work at a high level while the Policy Tool is a framework for reviewing and evaluating the impact on equity of current or proposed policies. During the webinar, experts from Health Equity Solutions reviewed how and why the tools were created and how to use the tools to understand the scope of equity work for a state agency.
Maternal Health Providers: Enhancing Health Equity Through Payment Parity
This issue brief spotlights the opportunity to enhance health equity in maternity care through payment. The issue brief discusses the landscape of Medicaid reimbursement trends for midwifery and doula coverage and recommends strategies to enhance access to a diversity of maternal care providers through equitable reimbursement.
Protected: Affordable Health Coverage for Non-Citizen Populations
Password protected resource page for members of the Affordable Health Coverage for Non-Citizen Populations affinity group.
Health Equity Policy Tool
The Health Equity Policy Tool is a framework for reviewing and assessing the impact on equity of current and/or proposed policies. The tool is designed for state agencies and provides a template for asking key questions to assess the likelihood that a policy will promote equity or exacerbate inequities.