Pathways to Coverage for COVID-19 Testing and Treatment for Adults in Medicaid Expansion and Non- Expansion States
The Pathways to Coverage for COVID-19 Testing and Treatment for Adults toolkit provides an overview for states of various coverage pathways for individuals, including those who are uninsured, in need of COVID-19 testing and treatment. The toolkit provides varying pathways for Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states.
Medicaid COVID-19 Messaging
A toolkit of messages for Medicaid agency staff to outreach to new consumers and current enrollees in light of COVID-19.
Application Template for Section 1332 Reinsurance Waiver
UPDATED 2/19/2019–State Health and Value Strategies, in partnership with health tax expert Jason Levitis, has created a template to help states develop an application for a state innovation waiver under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) section 1332 to implement a state reinsurance program. Section 1332 gives states flexibility to waive certain ACA provisions and receive federal funding to implement state-based health care policies. Reinsurance programs are a proven method of reducing premiums and promoting competition and market stability. This template seeks to make application development as simple as possible by adapting language from the successful Oregon application and indicating where elements need to be filled in or otherwise customized.
Messaging to Help Consumers Navigate Skinny Health Plans: A Toolkit for Marketplace Communicators
Recent federal rules on Short-Term Limited-Duration Insurance and Association Health Plans mean that some insurers may now offer products that don’t adhere to previous Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements.
As “skinny” plans are increasingly marketed and sold across the country, it’s important for Marketplaces and Departments of Insurance to provide consumers with the information they need to make good decisions when buying health insurance. This toolkit contains a variety of communications resources designed to support Marketplaces, state agencies and other partners in these public education efforts.
Value-based Purchasing for Managed Care Procurements: A Toolkit for State Medicaid Agencies
Value Based Purchasing for Managed Care Procurement: A Toolkit for State Medicaid Agencies is designed to assist states interested in implementing value-based purchasing (VBP) approaches with their Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs). Using a VBP approach can mean significant and ongoing changes for a state Medicaid agency and its MCOs. The Toolkit is designed to guide Medicaid agencies through key action steps and considerations in four phases of the managed care procurement cycle – 1) strategic procurement planning, 2) solicitation development, 3) bidder selection, and 4) contract management.
Future of the Children’s Health Insurance Program: Considerations for States
The expiration of Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) funding on September 30, 2017 raises four critical issues for states: 1) the timing of reauthorization, and what the level of allotment and duration of any extension will be, 2) whether the 23 percent increase to federal matching funds will continue, 3) whether maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements will continue unchanged, and 4) operational considerations for states, including notices to members and budget planning.
Future of the Children’s Health Insurance Program: Considerations for States
The expiration of Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) funding on September 30, 2017 raises four critical issues for states: 1) the timing of reauthorization, and what the level of allotment and duration of any extension will be, 2) whether the 23 percent increase to federal matching funds will continue, 3) whether maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements will continue unchanged, and 4) operational considerations for states, including notices to members and budget planning.
Understanding the Senate’s Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA): Key Implications for Medicaid
Senate leadership has released a proposed substitute for the House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA) known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 (BCRA) that eliminates enhanced funding for Medicaid expansion after a three-year phase out, establishes a cap on federal Medicaid funding for nearly all beneficiaries and services, and makes a number of other changes to Medicaid. Using the Manatt Medicaid Financing Model, this analysis estimates the state-by-state impact of the cap on Medicaid and elimination of enhanced funding for expansion, taking into account that states may respond to the proposed law in a number of different ways.
Data Points to Consider When Assessing Proposals to Cap Federal Medicaid Funding: A Toolkit for States
Key leaders in Congress and high-ranking members of the Trump Administration are proposing major changes to Medicaid financing through the adoption of a block grant or per capita caps. To assist states in assessing the potential implications of proposals to cap federal Medicaid funding, the State Network team at Manatt Health has developed a toolkit providing state-by-state data on Medicaid enrollment and expenditure trends—factors that are central to establishing the amount each state would be allocated under various capped funding proposals.
The Buying Value Measure Selection Tool: Strategies for Selecting Measures and Developing Aligned Measure Sets
The “Buying Value Measure Selection Tool” was developed to assist state agencies, private purchasers and other stakeholders in creating aligned measure sets, and was first released in 2014. A recent webinar explained this tool and recent updates for state officials and other stakeholders involved in developing and maintaining aligned quality measure sets for health care entities and programs including for health plans, accountable care organizations, and patient-centered medical homes.