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On Wednesday, July 22, State Health and Value Strategies hosted part II of the Preparing for OEP 2021 webinar series that provided a deep dive into effective strategies to consider as states design their outreach and education campaigns for OEP 2021 in a shifting health care environment. Presenters from GMMB explored how the impacts of COVID-19 should inform the marketplace’s tactical campaign approaches for virtual outreach and partnership engagement, digital and social platform usage, and paid advertising and earned media. Participants also heard insights from several state officials from state-based marketplaces along the way. Topics for discussion included coordinating with state agencies, engaging micro-influencers, leveraging social media live streams, hosting virtual enrollment events, developing advertising buys, and considering new earned media hooks. This webinar included a question and answer session during which webinar participants can pose their questions to the experts on the line.

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Date Created: Jul 22, 2020


On Friday, July 10, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar during which experts from Manatt Health presented key findings from a new COVID-19 state resource guide, funded by The SCAN Foundation. People who use long-term services and supports (LTSS), including individuals dually-eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, are particularly vulnerable to contracting COVID-19. COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on people with complex care needs receiving care in nursing homes and other congregate care settings, in particular. In the resource guide, Manatt Health identifies federal and state Medicaid flexibilities available to state officials and other stakeholders and how those flexibilities are being deployed during COVID-19 to help ensure access to LTSS. The webinar provided examples of how states are ensuring continued access to LTSS by expanding the types of settings in which services can be delivered, bolstering pay and other supports for LTSS providers, and addressing barriers to care created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Date Created: Jul 10, 2020


On Friday, June 12, State Health & Value Strategies hosted a webinar during which experts from Manatt Health and Georgetown reviewed the current telehealth policy landscape and considerations for states as they design their post-apex telehealth policies. This webinar included a question and answer session during which webinar participants posed their questions to the experts on the line.

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Date Created: Jun 12, 2020


On Thursday, June 4, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar during which experts from Manatt Health presented key results from a financial model examining the Medicaid fiscal implications of the interaction between the COVID-19 pandemic, the emerging economic downturn, and recent policy changes. States and Medicaid programs are entering a time of substantial fiscal uncertainty as they continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic while also preparing for a potentially severe recession that is expected to lead to significant budget shortfalls and surges in Medicaid enrollment. During the webinar, Manatt discussed key considerations for states as they develop their own internal forecasts and plan for the challenging times ahead.

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Date Created: May 26, 2020


On Thursday, May 21, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that reviewed potential information technology (IT) investments in responding to COVID-19 and strategies for states to support these investments. As states face the extraordinary challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, IT is an essential tool to support access to health coverage and the safe and effective evaluation, testing, and treatment of patients nationwide. The webinar outlined strategies states can employ to secure current and potential IT investments that enable ongoing Medicaid program operations and advance health information exchange.

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Date Created: May 21, 2020


On Thursday, May 14, State Health and Value Strategies, in partnership with technical experts from Manatt Health, Levitis Strategies, GMMB, and the Urban Institute, hosted a webinar for states to help address the rapidly-evolving changes to the coverage environment. As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, it has become clear that rising unemployment will substantially reduce employer sponsored health insurance. During the webinar, speakers discussed the models that have been published of where individuals are expected to gain coverage over the next 18 months, the impact on the Medicaid, individual, and employer-sponsored insurance markets, the role of special enrollment periods, and coordination with unemployment agencies. The webinar also highlighted communications opportunities and strategies for states to support enrollment.

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Date Created: May 14, 2020


On Thursday, May 7, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar that reported on how states are tracking the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations and provided a framework for states to examine their COVID-19 response efforts to yield better outcomes for such populations. As the COVID-19 crisis evolves, it has become increasingly clear that vulnerable populations are disproportionately impacted. Unsurprisingly, these disparately affected groups are the same ones that have long experienced stark health disparities, such as communities of color, low income populations, and those that reside in congregate living facilities (nursing homes, jails, shelters, etc.). During the webinar, technical experts from Health Equity Solutions and SHADAC shared findings from recent SHVS publications.

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Date Created: May 7, 2020


On Friday, May 1 State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar during which experts from Manatt Health and Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms summarized recent federal legislation related to COVID-19 and distilled key takeaways from recent federal guidance. Topics included: a review of the recently passed stimulus bill, “Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act;” a deep dive of recently released guidance on the disbursement of CARES Act funding including the Provider Relief and Coronavirus Relief Funds; and Medicaid strategies for providers and considerations for states.

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Date Created: May 1, 2020


On Wednesday, April 29 State Health and Value Strategies hosted a webinar, State Strategies to Support Medicaid/CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment in Response to COVID-19. Many states are experiencing an increase in the volume of Medicaid applications due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis. During the webinar experts from Manatt Health reviewed strategies states can use to manage and process an increased number of Medicaid applications, and the federal authorities that permit states to do so. Communications experts from GMMB reviewed strategies for messaging to new and existing enrollees.

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Date Created: Apr 29, 2020


On Tuesday, April 21, State Health and Value Strategies hosted a state-only webinar, Impact of COVID-19 on Medicaid Managed Care Performance Incentives. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve and significantly alter care delivery, states, managed care organizations (MCOs), and providers are considering the impact on health care quality and spending. States are examining their value-based payment programs and evaluating modifications to their performance year 2019 quality measurement and performance year 2020 quality and cost performance policies, particularly those arrangements that hold entities financially accountable for performance. During the webinar, experts from Bailit Health identified quality and cost performance issues related to Medicaid managed care performance incentives and discuss policy options for state consideration.

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Date Created: Apr 21, 2020