Terms and Definitions Used by States Reporting on Affordable Care Act (ACA) Enrollment
During the initial open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government and states operating state-based exchanges conducted various types of reporting on key indicators of interest to policymakers and the public.
Marketplace Enrollee Survey Item Matrix – Sample Questions
As those interested in conducting surveys to measure the public’s participation and experience in health insurance marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) continue to investigate the most effective ways of doing so, access to questions utilized in previously conducted surveys will be very useful.
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Issuer Checklist and Certification
The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Issuer Checklist and Certification has been developed by the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute for use by insurance regulators in reviewing products filed by issuers for compliance with MHPAEA.
Issuer Essential Health Benefits Crosswalk and Certification
The Issuer Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Crosswalk and Certification has been developed by the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute to help insurance regulators ensure that product filings include the required EHBs as set forth in the applicable state benchmark plan. Regulators can use the tool provided here, requiring issuers to complete the Crosswalk and Certification
Series: Consumer Assistance Resource Guides
Early evidence from across the nation suggests that consumer assisters are playing a vital role in helping people enroll in the new coverage options made possible by the Affordable Care Act. The State Health Reform Assistance Network has engaged with a number of states to develop easy to understand materials to educate consumer assisters about various issues that may confuse consumers and the assisters trying to help them during the eligibility determination and enrollment process.
Consumer Assistance Resource Guide: MAGI Household Income Eligibility Rules
Early evidence from across the nation suggests that consumer assisters are playing a vital role in helping people enroll in the new coverage options made possible by the Affordable Care Act. The following resource guide on MAGI Household Income Eligibility Rules is part of a Consumer Assistance Resource Guide series developed to help consumer assisters answer some of the most common eligibility and enrollment questions.
Consumer Assistance Resource Guide: Immigrant Eligibility
Early evidence from across the nation suggests that consumer assisters are playing a vital role in helping people enroll in the new coverage options made possible by the Affordable Care Act. The following resource guide on Immigrant Eligibility is part of a Consumer Assistance Resource Guide series developed to help consumer assisters answer some of the most common eligibility and enrollment questions.
Consumer Assistance Resource Guide: Household Composition Eligibility Rules
arly evidence from across the nation suggests that consumer assisters are playing a vital role in helping people enroll in the new coverage options made possible by the Affordable Care Act. The following resource guide on Household Composition Eligibility Rules is part of a Consumer Assistance Resource Guide series developed to help consumer assisters answer some of the most common eligibility and enrollment questions.
Consumer Assistance Resource Guide: Minimum Essential Coverage
Early evidence from across the nation suggests that consumer assisters are playing a vital role in helping people enroll in the new coverage options made possible by the Affordable Care Act. The following resource guide on Minimum Essential Coverage is part of a Consumer Assistance Resource Guide series developed to help consumer assisters answer some of the most common eligibility and enrollment questions.
Operationalizing the New Fast Track Enrollment Options: A Roadmap for State Officials
Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued guidance alerting states to the availability of waivers to facilitate the enrollment of eligible individuals into Medicaid using data states already have “on hand” in their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid files.