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Changes to the individual health insurance market are at the heart of the American Health Care Act. This webinar featured experts from Manatt Health who discussed changes in the individual market, including tax credits and the marketplace, that states will need to consider moving forward. The attached slide deck includes details on what is in the legislation, what are the key policy areas for states and an impact analysis for state policy makers.

Date Created: Mar 23, 2017


On February 15, 2017, CMS released a proposed rule on market stabilization in the individual market nationally. The State Network hosted a webinar for state insurance departments and state-based marketplaces to review the topics addressed in the rule, and identify policy implications for states. This slide deck highlights the points of the webinar and includes all of the specific questions on which CMS requested feedback.

Date Created: Feb 24, 2017

Issue Briefs

Because Medicaid is the single largest payer in every state, governors are using Medicaid to drive multi-payer reforms, including adoption of value-based payment methodologies and advancement of population health models. Proposals being considered by Congress and the new administration to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Medicaid expansion and implement limits on federal Medicaid funding through block grants and per capita caps could have a significant impact on these advances. This issue brief, developed by Manatt Health, considers how much states have accomplished to drive value in and through their Medicaid programs over the last 50 years, and most especially over the last five years, and what states stand to lose in terms of progress and innovation in their Medicaid programs and health care delivery systems if federal support for Medicaid is reduced.

Date Created: Feb 22, 2017

Issue Briefs , Reports

As we approach the beginning of a new presidential administration, there has been continued debate regarding the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), much of which has focused on the marketplaces, the mandate, and health insurance reforms such as the ban on insurers’ blocking coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. A potential elimination of the law’s Medicaid expansion to low-income adults and other ACA Medicaid provisions, however, would have far-reaching implications for states and the Medicaid program.

Date Created: Dec 12, 2016

Issue Briefs , Reports

As the fourth open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) approaches, online health insurance marketplaces must consider ways in which they can assess the consumer user experience in order to make continued improvements. Direct consumer observation, known as Consumer User Experience (UX) assessment, represents one such tactic that could serve as a very valuable tool for marketplaces as they continue their future strategic planning. This issue brief, prepared by Claudia Page, examines UX assessment channels and provides a closer look at what can be learned by directly observing actual consumers as they apply for coverage.

Date Created: Jun 29, 2016


With insurers increasingly relying on new network design strategies to compete for Marketplace consumers, and state and federal regulators coming into closer alignment with regard to standards for network adequacy, an understanding of the issues surrounding provider networks and the Affordable Care Act is critical. This three-part webinar series, presented by Manatt Health, addressed a variety of topics related to the regulation of provider networks.

Date Created: Jun 16, 2016

Issue Briefs , Reports

As health insurance marketplaces continue to approach the fourth open enrollment period, the development of innovative models and partnerships for reaching consumers becomes increasingly important. During the third open enrollment period, MNsure, Minnesota’s state-based marketplace, designated and supported twenty broker-operated enrollment centers around the state, which made a series of special commitments to promote enrollment through the marketplace. Determining the efficiency and effectiveness of such efforts is critical for the planning and development of future efforts undertaken by marketplaces.

Date Created: May 31, 2016


The State Network 1332 Waivers Affinity Group continued with a presentation on potentially broader reforms that states may pursue through the Section 1332 State Innovation Waivers process. This discussion followed a prior presentation focused on narrower, more targeted reforms that several states are seeking to implement through the waiver process. This presentation, prepared by the State Network team at Manatt Health, included information on waiver considerations in California and Minnesota.

Date Created: Apr 14, 2016

Regulatory Analysis , Webinars

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published its final Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2017, as well as the final version of its 2017 letter to Qualified Health Plan (QHP) issuers participating in the federally-facilitated marketplace (FFM). The State Network team at Manatt Health led a webinar explaining this final rule and what it will mean for states.

Date Created: Mar 11, 2016


The State Network 1332 Waivers Affinity Group continued with a presentation from the team at Manatt Health Solutions. This webinar included an overview of the small group market requirements in the ACA, and the efforts of three states to preserve their innovative pre-ACA programs.

Date Created: Feb 26, 2016