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Templates & Toolkits

The Qualified Health Plan (QHP) Issuer Certification Checklist is a document developed by Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute that insurance regulators (and/or Exchanges) can use or modify for use in reviewing applications filed by issuers for approval as QHP issuers.

Date Created: Jan 12, 2013

Templates & Toolkits

This template, prepared by Manatt Health Solutions, is intended to assist states in evaluating the options with respect to transitioning certain Medicaid and state-funded populations and programs into a post-ACA coverage environment with Medicaid eligibility for non-disabled adults under age 65 (potentially) expanded to 133% of the FPL and tax credits and cost sharing reductions available to individuals between 133% and 400% of the FPL (or between 100% and 400% in a non-expansion state).

Date Created: Oct 16, 2012

Templates & Toolkits

This worksheet and considerations table can serve as a guide for states considering their own Medicaid expansion analysis. The Supreme Court’s decision inNFIB v. Sebelius did not change the underlying Medicaid expansion provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but did remove the ACA’s enforcement authority for states choosing not to expand.

Date Created: Sep 11, 2012

Templates & Toolkits

In order to assist states in accomplishing tasks related to insurance market reforms and certification and management of qualified health plans, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute has developed a toolkit for insurance departments. Many Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation issues fall squarely within existing state insurance regulatory functions.

Date Created: Aug 14, 2012

Templates & Toolkits

he Individual Eligibility Business Requirements Template, prepared by Manatt Health Solutions, was developed in order to help drive state decisions and is based on the the eligibility business functions that state Exchanges and Medicaid agencies are required to support pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), and related federal implementation regulations.

Date Created: Aug 12, 2012

Templates & Toolkits

Manatt Health Solutions has created Reasonable Compatibility Straw Models to help state implementers better understand how to operationalize the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) eligibility rules in their state systems.

Date Created: Aug 12, 2012

Templates & Toolkits

The 2014 Medicaid Eligibility Transition Toolkit is designed to assist states in systematically identifying issues and decisions they will face as they convert to 2014. The toolkit was originally provided to two states by the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) as part of the State Health Reform Assistance Network that is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. NASHP has updated the toolkit to be applicable to any state and to reflect the final Medicaid eligibility rules.

Date Created: Jul 12, 2012