State Health Updates
State updates as of February 7, 2025.
On Wednesday, March 18 State Health and Value Strategies is hosting a webinar, Responding to COVID-19: State Strategies for Medicaid and Commercial Health Insurance Oversight.
As states navigate increased spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and in light of the President’s declaration of a national emergency, states are evaluating the tools available to them to respond to this new public health crisis. The webinar explored both the strategies available to Medicaid programs and the opportunities for state regulators to reduce gaps in coverage and lower barriers to accessing care. Technical assistance experts from Manatt Health and Georgetown’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms discussed the steps states have taken so far, as well as strategies and opportunities for states to consider as they ramp up their response to COVID-19. The webinar included a question and answer session during which states posed their questions to the experts on the line.
SHVS also recently published an expert perspective, authored by our colleagues at Manatt Health, that highlights strategies state Medicaid and CHIP agencies can pursue as part of their emergency preparedness planning for, and response to, COVID-19.