State Materials | Apr 10, 2017

State Medicaid Financing Fact Sheets

Manatt Health

As states seek to understand the impacts of proposed changes to Medicaid financing, comparative data on where states stand can be very valuable. The memos included here use state-specific data to analyze the impact of proposals to limit federal Medicaid funding on all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The state data are drawn from a tool kit prepared by Manatt Health for the Robert Wood Johnson’s State Health Reform Assistance Network. While the most recent attempt to cap federal Medicaid funding in the American Health Care Act did not advance to a vote in the Congress, it is likely that this issue will remain a priority for Congressional leadership. And, future capped funding proposals can be expected to rely on historic state-specific spending patterns and national trend rates as earlier proposals did. These memos are intended to assist states in evaluating how they might fare relative to other states under a capped funding model considering the unique features of each state’s health care landscape.


Alabama Illinois Montana Rhode Island
Alaska Indiana Nebraska South Carolina
Arizona Iowa Nevada South Dakota
Arkansas Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee
California Kentucky New Jersey Texas
Colorado Louisiana New Mexico Utah
Connecticut Maine New York Vermont
Delaware Maryland North Carolina Virginia
District of Columbia Massachusetts North Dakota Washington
Florida Michigan Ohio West Virginia
Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma Wisconsin
Hawaii Mississippi Oregon Wyoming
Idaho Missouri Pennsylvania