State Health Updates
State updates as of February 7, 2025.
Sally McCarty, David Cusano, Justin Giovannelli, and Max Farris, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute
Stemming from training at insurance departments in various State Network states, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute (Georgetown) has released updated form review checklists. These resources are designed to help insurance regulators effectively implement Affordable Care Act (ACA) provisions, regulations, and other guidance by ensuring that insurance forms submitted by carriers meet all the ACA requirements. These checklists are an update to the Georgetown ACA Implementation Toolkit for Departments of Insurance, which includes descriptions of the documents and how they can be utilized by states. Also included now is a Qualified Health Plan Issuer Certification Checklist. They are in writable Microsoft Word document form, allowing insurance regulators to simply download and modify to their state’s specifications. These checklists have been updated to reflect provisions in the HHS Final Rule on Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2016.
Catastrophic Plan Form Review Checklist – Updated 3/20/15
Individual Plan Form Review Checklist – Updated 3/20/15
Small Group Market Form Review Checklist – Updated 3/20/15
Stand Alone Dental Plan Form Review Checklist – Updated 3/20/15
QHP Issuer Certification Checklist – Updated 3/20/15
Additional tools for insurance departments include an Issuer Essential Health Benefits Crosswalk and Certification and a Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Issuer Checklist and Certification.