Webinars | May 16, 2017

Webinar: Medicaid Value-Based Payment for LTSS

State Health and Value Strategies, a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is pleased to publish the second in our series of webinars for state officials on achieving population health goals.

State Strategies: Medicaid Value-Based Payment for LTSS – A Webinar for States was held on Tuesday May 16.

Driven to improve care coordination and contain costs, an increasing number of states are implementing risk-based managed care programs for the delivery of long-term services and supports (LTSS). State attention to LTSS focuses on seniors and individuals with disabilities who often have diverse, costly and complex care needs that require a range of LTSS. The webinar, which is based on a recent brief, included the following:

– Minnesota’s Gretchen Ulbee, Manager of Special Needs Purchasing, Health Care Administration at Minnesota’s Department of Human Services, will discuss the LTSS and behavioral health measure set for its value-based payment initiative.

– Virginia’s Seon Rockwell, Director of Innovation and Strategy, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services, will describe her state’s recent managed LTSS procurement and contracting process as it relates to encouraging the growth of value-based payment initiatives.

Bailit Health’s Erin Taylor will facilitate the webinar and review levers that states can use to create more accountability for the quality and cost of LTSS.

This event is the second in a three-part series of technical assistance Webinars hosted by State Health and Value Strategies and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The series explores timely issues facing state health care leaders and features actionable information on what states can do.

– To access materials related to the first webinar in the series, “Shared Accountability Across Health and Non-Health Sectors: Opportunities to Improve Population Health,” click here.