Jun, 24, 2022

State Health Updates

  • Arizona – The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCS) and Tucson-based PAXIS Institute announced a four-year partnership to expand the use of PAX Tools in the state of Arizona. PAX Tools are a collection of trauma-informed, evidence-based strategies that, when implemented by caring adults during typical interactions with children, improve cooperation and self-regulation. Beginning in June, AHCCCS will provide PAX Tools materials and training to community-based professionals across the state. 
  • California – The state announced $518.5 million in grants to help provide services and housing options to those with severe mental illness or substance use disorder. The funding will provide treatment beds for more than 1,000 people at a time, plus behavioral health services for many more. It is part of a $2.2 billion effort to expand mental health housing and services across California, especially for people experiencing homelessness.
  • Colorado – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced approval of Colorado’s Section 1332 State Innovation Waiver amendment request to create the “Colorado Option.” The waiver allows Colorado to capture savings from mandated premium reductions and use those savings to fund a state subsidy program that enhances affordability for currently eligible populations. The waiver also creates a new program for undocumented persons.
  • Illinois – Governor Pritzker signed into law equity-focused nursing home rate reform legislation that will hold facility owners accountable by tying new funding to improving care. The reform principles include increased funding that is tied to staffing levels, a new pay scale for certified nursing assistants that increases wages based on years of experience and funding connected to improving key quality measures.
  • Indiana – The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) announced the launch of the Recovery Capital Index (RCI), encouraging Hoosiers to participate in the survey to measure addiction treatment and recovery resources in Indiana. Recovery capital is the overall measure of internal and external resources available to an individual with a substance use disorder to ensure their continual success in recovery. The RCI provides a comprehensive picture of a person’s whole well-being using an online, automated 68-question survey. DMHA plans to use aggregate and geographically analyzed results from the RCI to drive future decisions about funding and resource allocation.
  • Kentucky – The Kentucky Department of Medicaid Services announced a public comment period for renewal of the state’s Supports for Community Living 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver. The comment period runs from June 24 to July 24. The current waiver, which is one of Kentucky’s six 1915 HCBS waivers, expires this year.
  • West Virginia – The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Medical Services announced plans to submit a State Plan Amendment to seek approval to raise ground ambulance medical transportation services to 100 percent of the Medicare geographic prevailing fee. This will provide approximately 208 ambulance providers with a 10 percent increase in their reimbursement rates and an estimated additional $11.8 million per fiscal year.  
  • Wisconsin – The state submitted a section 1115 demonstration waiver application to expand postpartum Medicaid coverage for eligible members from 60 days to 90 days. This demonstration will allow for an additional month of coverage for pregnant and birthing people in Wisconsin whose household income is above 100% of the federal poverty level.