Protected: Member Engagement Leaders’ Support Group
Password protected resource page for members of the Member Engagement Leaders’ Support Group.
State Facilitated Enrollment Resources
Many states have implemented policies that take advantage of existing consumer-state interactions to help individuals enroll in healthcare coverage more easily. To assist states in their efforts, SHVS and the Urban Institute have compiled materials that states have created for their facilitated enrollment programs.
Continuous Coverage Unwinding: Enrollee Outreach Videos
These animated videos may be used by states across social media and digital platforms to reach enrollees with important information about the continuous coverage unwinding. Key messages encourage consumers to update their contact information and look in the mail for updates about Medicaid renewals to avoid gaps in their coverage. Videos are created in 15, 30, and 60-second lengths and are available in English and Spanish and can be customized to include state branding.
SHVS Resource Page: The No Surprises Act
SHVS is tracking the latest federal guidance related to implementation and oversight of the No Surprises Act (NSA), the comprehensive federal law banning balance bills in emergency and certain non-emergency settings beginning January 1, 2022. This resource page highlights the latest SHVS resources for states on federal NSA guidance and summarizes its implications for state regulators.
Consulate Outreach Template Flyers
State Health and Value Strategies has created a flyer for states to customize and place in consulate offices, to serve as a resource to enroll eligible immigrants in health coverage in their state. The flyer is designed so that states can add their own contact information and logos for their outreach purposes and has been translated into Spanish.
Supporting Afghan Evacuees in Accessing Health Coverage
State Health and Value Strategies has created a flyer for states to customize to share information regarding health coverage with Afghan evacuees recently re-settled or in the process of being re-settled in their state. The flyer has been translated into commonly used Afghan languages of Dari and Pashto. The flyer has been updated as of March 16, 2022 to align with an updated CMS factsheet.
State Health Insurance Policy Implications of the American Rescue Plan Act and Build Back Better
This slide deck presents policy considerations for states in light of provisions from American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and if passed, potential implications from the Build Back Better legislation.
New Hampshire COVID-19 Directed Payment
On April 30, 2020, New Hampshire received approval from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to require its managed care organizations (MCOs) to make a directed payment to six types of essential Medicaid providers in order to help them keep their doors open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous states across the country share New Hampshire’s interest in directing MCOs to use some of their capitation funds to support providers facing sharp declines in utilization due to COVID-19. This regulatory analysis provides an overview of New Hampshire’s directed payment and the documents used in the New Hampshire approval.
Considerations for a State Health Insurer Fee Following Repeal of the Federal 9010 Fee
The recent repeal of the federal health insurer fee may create an opportunity for states to secure funding to support health coverage, without increasing costs on consumers or the health care industry.
Enacting a fee to replace the federal one presents several design questions for states, including what lines of insurance to include, timing, rate, and targeted exemptions. Frequent SHVS partner and ACA tax expert Jason Levitis prepared slides to help states understand these issues. For states interested in learning more, SHVS is happy to make Jason available to provide technical assistance. If you have questions or are interested in assistance, contact Jason directly at
Protected: Resources to Collect Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data
As a follow-up to the November 20th SHVS office hour on the collection of REL data, this resource page provides links to a few resources that were mentioned on the call.