States and the AHCA: Medicaid Changes in Federal Proposals
The American Health Care Act has a number of policy changes that impact state Medicaid programs. This webinar featured experts at Manatt Health as they review implications on Medicaid Financing, Eligibility and other programmatic changes for states. The attached slides provide significant insight into eligibility changes, the policy principles of the per capita cap and block grant models, and an in-depth explainer of the creation of per-capita caps for states.
Proposed CMS Rule on Market Stabilization
On February 15, 2017, CMS released a proposed rule on market stabilization in the individual market nationally. The State Network hosted a webinar for state insurance departments and state-based marketplaces to review the topics addressed in the rule, and identify policy implications for states. This slide deck highlights the points of the webinar and includes all of the specific questions on which CMS requested feedback.
Data Points to Consider When Assessing Proposals to Cap Federal Medicaid Funding: A Toolkit for States
Key leaders in Congress and high-ranking members of the Trump Administration are proposing major changes to Medicaid financing through the adoption of a block grant or per capita caps. To assist states in assessing the potential implications of proposals to cap federal Medicaid funding, the State Network team at Manatt Health has developed a toolkit providing state-by-state data on Medicaid enrollment and expenditure trends—factors that are central to establishing the amount each state would be allocated under various capped funding proposals.
Leveraging CHIP to Protect Low-Income Children from Lead
Despite improvements that have been made over the past several decades, lead poisoning remains a serious hazard for many children in the U.S., presenting significant risks to their health and learning. More than 4 million families with children live in homes with high levels of lead, and approximately half a million under the age of five require treatment. The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) can provide critical financial support to states as they seek to implement cost-effective lead abatement activities to protect children.
Understanding and Evaluating Block Grants and Other Capped Funding Proposals
Recent proposals for the incoming Congress and presidential administration to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have also included calls for an overhaul of the current Medicaid program financing structure. Such a change, aimed at reducing federal Medicaid spending, would have significant implications for state Medicaid programs. A new webinar examined these proposals and the potential impact that they could have on states.
The Buying Value Measure Selection Tool: Strategies for Selecting Measures and Developing Aligned Measure Sets
The “Buying Value Measure Selection Tool” was developed to assist state agencies, private purchasers and other stakeholders in creating aligned measure sets, and was first released in 2014. A recent webinar explained this tool and recent updates for state officials and other stakeholders involved in developing and maintaining aligned quality measure sets for health care entities and programs including for health plans, accountable care organizations, and patient-centered medical homes.
Repealing Medicaid Expansion: Implications for States
Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had a positive impact for states, both in terms of the number of people covered and the budget savings and revenue gains that they have realized as a result. A series of recent reports demonstrates the economic impact in states that have expanded Medicaid. A new webinar examined potential repeal of Medicaid expansion under the ACA, and what this would likely mean for states.
Using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Information to Facilitate Medicaid Enrollment and Renewal
Recently released CMS guidance and newly established State Plan Amendment authority allows states to use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) data, under certain conditions, to enroll and re-determine Medicaid eligibility. In order to assist states in the facilitation of Medicaid enrollment and renewal for eligible SNAP participants, a recent webinar presented some of the necessary considerations for leveraging these data for enrollment purposes.
Webinar Series – Provider Networks and the ACA
With insurers increasingly relying on new network design strategies to compete for Marketplace consumers, and state and federal regulators coming into closer alignment with regard to standards for network adequacy, an understanding of the issues surrounding provider networks and the Affordable Care Act is critical. This three-part webinar series, presented by Manatt Health, addressed a variety of topics related to the regulation of provider networks.
IHS, Tribal Programs and Medicaid: Overview of New CMS Guidance
Recent guidance issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded the circumstances under which states can receive full federal funding for services received through the Indian Health Service (IHS) and tribal health facilities. This webinar, presented by the State Network team at Manatt Health, provided an overview of the CMS guidance, as well as the financial implications for states and tribes.