Templates & Toolkits | December 14, 2022

Planning for the End of the Continuous Coverage Requirement: Communications Resources for States

The end of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement presents states with tremendous opportunities to keep individuals enrolled in Medicaid or transition to another form of health coverage. This series of pages provides communications resources designed to support states as they inform stakeholders and consumers during this major coverage event.

Find template communications resources through the SHVS Social Press Kit for downloadable and customizable content.

Reinstatement Resources

Model Medicaid Reinstatement Notice Language

In response to the State Medicaid Director Letter (SMDL) sent by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on August 30, 2023, many states are in the process of implementing mitigation strategies in order to ensure compliance with the federal renewal requirement to conduct ex parte at the individual level. States that are reinstating Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage for enrollees are required to notify individuals of their reinstatement and next steps with regard to renewing their coverage. This resource includes notice language templates to provide states with models for communicating key information to enrollees regarding their reinstatement. These templates are intended to be a starting place that states can tailor and modify for their programs and specific mitigation plans. This resource also includes tips for writing and disseminating effective notices, based on feedback from Medicaid enrollees.