Templates & Toolkits | January 17, 2024

Planning for the End of the Continuous Coverage Requirement: Communications Resources for States

The end of the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement presents states with tremendous opportunities to keep individuals enrolled in Medicaid or transition to another form of health coverage. This series of pages provides communications resources designed to support states as they inform stakeholders and consumers during this major coverage event.

Find template communications resources through the SHVS Social Press Kit for downloadable and customizable content.

Phase III: Renew Resources

2024 Template Renewal Communications Materials

These resources are available to help states encourage renewal completions in the final months of the Medicaid continuous coverage unwinding. The messages within are informed by consumer research to determine the persuasiveness of message themes.

Template Notices for Medicaid Continuous Coverage Unwinding

Medicaid agencies are required to send written notices to enrollees as they begin their redetermination process after the continuous coverage requirement ends. This document contains both English and Spanish template notices designed for use by state Medicaid agencies in their efforts to communicate with enrollees. State Medicaid agencies can customize these documents by editing them to input their state seal or agency logo and other state-specific information.

Renewal and Coverage Transition Template Resources

These template communications resources can support state efforts to inform enrollees about steps they need to take to get ready for the upcoming renewal process. These can be customized by states to inform enrollees about what they need to do to keep their Medicaid coverage when redeterminations begin. They also include resources directing those no longer eligible for Medicaid to find other sources of coverage through the Marketplace and/or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Continuous Coverage Unwinding Text Messages 

As state Medicaid agencies develop their strategies for “unwinding” the federal Medicaid continuous coverage requirement, many are looking to text messaging as a mechanism for outreach. This document contains best practice recommendations and sample messages that can be customized and used by states in direct-to-enrollee communications to reach enrollees with important coverage updates. Sample text messages are customizable with state Medicaid program names and URLs.

Enrollee Outreach Videos 

These animated videos may be used by states across social media and digital platforms to reach enrollees with important information about the continuous coverage unwinding. Key messages encourage consumers to update their contact information and look in the mail for updates about Medicaid renewals to avoid gaps in their coverage. Videos are created in 15, 30, and 60-second lengths and are available in English and Spanish. States may customize the end card of each video by contacting Laura Buddenbaum at lbuddenbaum@princeton.edu to connect with our communications TA partners providing customizations.

Sample Messages for Priority Renewal Populations

This document is intended to help states consider prioritizing renewals and outreach to at-risk enrollee populations with tailored messaging that is meant for specific audiences in English and Spanish. The document includes reasoning why states should prioritize certain enrollees, like pregnant women or people with disabilities, and recommended messages to use in direct-to-consumer communications to these groups of enrollees. The recommendations within are based on consumer research.

Sample Messages for Populations Transitioning to Medicare

This resource contains messaging intended to help states in conducting outreach regarding the return of the renewal process at the end of continuous coverage to enrollee populations that are newly eligible for Medicare. These are recommended messages that can be customized to your state eligibility criteria and used in direct-to-consumer communications to these enrollee groups.