Sep, 14, 2015

Upcoming webinar on improving care for homeless Medicaid beneficiaries

In recent years, a growing number of people who are experiencing homelessness have become Medicaid beneficiaries, and many are enrolled in Medicaid managed care plans. State Medicaid agencies, health plans, and providers can improve care for homeless beneficiaries with complex needs, while also controlling costs, by identifying these members and making connections with permanent supportive housing and other resources in the homeless assistance system.

On October 8, our State Health and Value Strategies program will host a webinar, introducing a new issue brief and toolkit for states and featuring presentations by a panel of experts from a state Medicaid agency, a Medicaid managed care plan, and a Medicaid provider – all working to link Medicaid services with housing to improve care for homeless Medicaid beneficiaries.

Expert panelists:

• Carol Wilkins, consultant and author of issue brief
• Hannah Katch, California Department of Health Care Services
• Catherine Anderson, United Healthcare
• Julie Grothe, Guild Incorporated

Register now for Improving Care For Homeless Medicaid Beneficiaries: Emerging Best Practices And Recommendations For State Purchasers.

Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015
Time: 2pm to 3:30pm ET
Registration link: