State Health Updates
State updates as of December 15, 2023.
State updates as of December 15, 2023.
State updates as of December 8, 2023.
On December 6, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published and made effective an interim final rule (IFR) with comment period regarding states’ ongoing unwinding efforts to redetermine eligibility for all Medicaid enrollees nationwide. This expert perspective summarizes the IFR, which interprets and implements the state reporting requirements and CMS enforcement authorities that Congress enacted last winter in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.
The 11th annual open enrollment period (OEP) is underway, providing consumers with an opportunity to enroll in health coverage for plan year 2024 through the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces. To support consumers during this OEP, State-Based Marketplaces (SBMs) are innovating to make health coverage more affordable and easier for consumers to enroll. This expert perspective highlights new initiatives being implemented by SBMs during the plan year 2024 OEP, including establishing or improving state subsidy programs to reduce out-of-pocket costs, expanding coverage for undocumented populations, or implementing policies to improve the enrollment process.
State updates as of December 1, 2023.
On November 15, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released its proposed 2025 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters, the annual regulation which governs core provisions of the Affordable Care Act. This expert perspective focuses on aspects of the proposed rule likely to be of interest to state officials, including requirements for State-Based Marketplaces to align with the standards of the Federally Facilitated Marketplace, proposals for states to update essential health benefits, and initiatives to ease the eligibility and enrollment process for consumers.
State updates as of November 17, 2023.
This expert perspective summarizes CMS’ new Informational Bulletin and accompanying framework which together detail Medicaid coverage options for services that address the health-related social needs (HRSN) of Medicaid enrollees. The new guidance reiterates the importance of addressing HRSNs to improve access to care and health outcomes, and summarizes (and in some cases updates) multiple previous sources of CMS guidance on how HRSN services may be covered in Medicaid, including guidance on in lieu of services authority and on HRSN coverage in section 1115 waivers.
This expert perspective provides insights on the temporary section 1902(e)(14) waiver flexibilities that may be valuable for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to consider extending or authorizing permanently to streamline and improve post-unwinding renewal processes. An informal and anonymous survey conducted by State Health and Value Strategies (SHVS) asked states to rate the value of these flexibilities during unwinding and their level of interest in making flexibilities permanent. Findings are not representative of all states and should be interpreted with caution.
State updates as of November 10, 2023.